
How to lose weight from the buttocks and thighs in 5 days

 The magic recipe for slimming the buttocks in 5 proven days.

The accumulation of fat and obesity inside the buttocks area leads to a feeling of discomfort, lack of self-confidence, and lack of satisfaction with body shape in both men and women. Help you get the perfect body, a slim and harmonious body, and women are keen to get full medium, and firm buttocks and each of us wonders about the reasons for obesity and the accumulation of fat in the buttocks area, in particular, he must know well that the genetic factor plays a big role in addition to pregnancy and lactation periods Which negatively affects the woman's body in particular, and from here and for the importance of this topic, we will talk to you about how to slim the buttocks in 5 days safely and easily without any harmful effects on the human body,

_ Causes of fat accumulation in the buttocks area 2021
Taking birth contperiods a significant role in weight gain and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and buttocks.❤️ Not following healthy eating habits, eating fast food and a lot of snacks such as biscuits, potato chips, and gaseous western pastries throughout the day

_ Important
seems to be the body of toxins, as it will contain an atmosphere of coffee. 2_tips for slimming the buttocks in 5 days * There is a set of tips that help slim the buttocks in 5 days, and among these tips are the following:
1_ Eat vegetable salad next to every main meal, dinner The salad
Diet and focus a lot on eating fruits and vegetables, please take into account that there are some nutritional fruits when eating, diet, and buttocks such as mango, banana meals diet figs and dates, and the rest of the seafood salts and sugars during weight loss. 

4_ Treat food abstinence from citrus fruits, sweets, and fast food. 5_ Eat a lot of fish. 

6_ Eating one cup o green tea after a meal helps green tea to increase the burning. The drawing of drinking water when eating a meal, as the body is eating food. a meal.
3_ There is a need for a certain time to eat in addition to the amount of food in meals
7_ The necessary equipment for the therapeutic device from seven hours a day. 

8_a cups of boiled ginger daily with cinnamon about a quarter of an hour before any main meal.
9_A plate of vegetable Vegetables, eat it as it helps to feel full quickly provided that the beans and zucchini are in a rack shaker immediately provided that the beans and zucchini are in a rack shaker.
10_ sick seizure patients.
❤️ The most important recipes that help
slim the buttocks
in 5 days _ Coffee and olive oil recipe to slim the buttocks 

* Counts:
Nin Cup.
_2 tablespoons of olive oil.
* Method of preparation:
1 / Mix all the stages
We distribute the mixture on the buttocks area. 

2 / Take a large plastic bag and then put the recipe in it
3 /
4 / Leave the bag in the area to be slimmed for an hour.
5 / Then wash the area with lukewarm water.
6 / Repeat this recipe twice a week until you get the desired result.

Best foods to lose belly fat and gain muscle

__ Ginger and olive oil recipe for slimming the buttocks
Ginger has useful benefits for slimming, and the fat has proven its good effectiveness in getting rid of excess accumulation
* Ingredients of the recipe
- a small amount of olive oil.
A sufficient amount of grated ginger.
* Method of preparation:
1 / enough olive oil on low heat.
2 / Add the grated ginger to the olive oil and mix well while it boils.
3 / Leave the grated ginger and olive oil to cool completely.
4 / Then a mixture of grated ginger and olive oil on the buttocks area.

5 / Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then wash it well and repeat the recipe several times throughout the week.
6 / through this method, you can get satisfactory results for losing the buttocks area, coordinating the body shape, and reducing the size of the buttocks area ❤️
Ending with a balanced diet and practicing some appropriate sports to get the perfect body. 
